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» Kundenbewertungen
Susan Carol Crossley, Vereinigtes Königreich

Lea and the rest of the team at CPS always kept me informed and were polite and efficient.

Maxine Sowden, Lusaka, Sambia

CPS Brac have done a great job of helping us turn our dream into a reality. Their personalised service meant they took the time to listen to our specific needs. Their gentle, patient and kind approach make you realize the passion that they have for their work, which isn’t always easy when dealing with international clients. Our new home is a perfect fit for us, and we are so excited to be making memories in it for decades to come. Thank you CPS Brač  // Boris, Mia &Lea 

Fabian Konig, Deutschland

Perfect agency in Split!!! Andrea is a great real estate agent! We were in communication for over two years and I always received feedback about the apartments very quickly. When we found the right apartment, we received more than good advice throughout the entire process. Andrea was always there for us and showed and explained everything to us remotely and then directly in Split. We were always supported during the purchasing process. That's what you're happy to spend the broker's commission on :) Thank you for everything!

René Fröhlich, Deutschland

Ich habe mich vor einiger Zeit entschlossen, in Dalmatien ein Haus zu kaufen. Nach einiger Suche bin ich auf CPS gestoßen und schon der erste Kontakt war sehr angenehm. In der Folge haben wir gemeinsam einige Häuser besichtigt, und nachdem ich meine Entscheidung getroffen hatte, hat mich Lea während des kompletten Kaufprozesses immer begleitet, war stets erreichbar und hat mit viel Engagement und vielen hilfreichen Ratschlägen maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass wir dieses Projekt schnell und unkompliziert umsetzen konnten.
Auch nochmal an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichsten Dank an Lea, aber auch Mia und Boris! Ich wünsche euch weiterhin alles Gute und freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen auf der Insel Brač!

Oliva & Christo, Belgien

The real estate office of Lea & Mia is the best deal to sell your house. They have a large portfolio of buyers with the appropriate profile. The sale runs very smoothly and stress-free for both the seller and the buyer. Best and most reliable real estate in Croatia!

Lisa Hale, USA

My husband and I bought a home in nerezisca in October of 2023. We told them how much we could afford and they were very good at finding homes with in our parameters. At the last minute of our trip , Boris had just listed a home in our price range and showed us the house immediately. We went home to the states and Mia and the staff took care of all negotiations . She walked us through utility transfers and worked with everyone involved. We could not have done any of this without her or the company. She kept in touch through out the year as we can only come to Nerezisca once a year for now. She always answered all my questions and took care of our keys and paperwork that she saved for us. I cannot say enough for the Supetar office. These folks work really hard for their clients and are so very happy and friendly. They are very competent and very trustworthy. I did not worry the entire year when we could not be here. I highly recommend them! Wonderful experience and wonderful folks! Thank you everyone!

Rosalia Guevara, USA

I can't speak highly enough of our experience with Lea Jovic. I was a first-time homebuyers in a foreign country with very little knowledge about how to find the right place 100s of miles away from my hometown.

Lea is honest and hands-on and she really helped to take the pressure off. She was always extremely responsive even with the time difference. I never felt forced to make an offer and when we finally found a property to make an offer and it felt through Lea walked me through every step and we ended up putting an offer at another property and she helped with the negotiations. Living in California and buying across the country was scary and unconventional approach, since I have no ties to Croatia prior to my purchase, but it worked and I thank Lea for that every day! She’s really great to work with!

Nina Novak, Slowenien

U današnje vrijeme često se govori o različitim prijevarama, tako i na području nekretnina što sam sama doživjela dva puta. Jednom su me prevarili, drugi put krili od mene činjenicu da zgrada nema svih dokumenata što mi je bio znak da se moram povući. U Croatia Property Sales gdje sam imala prilike surađivati s Leom stoga sam došla s velikom mjerom opreza te standardnih, ali u praksi vjerojatno ipak dosta neobičnih zahtjeva. Unatoč tome sa suradnjom sam zadovoljna. S uvjetima poslovanja bila sam upoznata na samom početku, prije razgledavanja stanova, Lea se trudila pokazati mi što više nekretnina koje su više ili manje odgovarale mojim željama, a u procesu kupnje pokušala je zadovoljiti sve strane (mene kao kupca i prodavateljice) te po potrebi aktivno surađivala s ostalima čiji je doprinos bio potreban da bi cijeli proces uspješno završio (odvjetnik). Kako Lea tako i agencija pokazali su se kao korektni i profesionalni, tako da danas u stanu koji mi se sviđa i više nego prilikom razgledavanja doista uživam!